Capitol Branch 142,


STRENGTH through UNITY!     
Branch 142 Officers
Branch 142 Union Meeting Dates
Branch 142 By-Laws
City Delivery
Branch 142 Committees
Branch 142 Conventions
NALC and USPS Employee Assistance Programs
Branch 142 e-Member Activist
Branch 142 e-Steward Activist
Branch 142 Events
Family Medical Leave Act
Injury Compensation/OWCP
Legislative/NALC HQ e-Activist
Branch 142 Local Memorandums of Understanding
Branch 142 Members Only Services
Merit Systems Protection Board
NALC Food Drive
NALC Health Benefits Plan
NALC HQ Publications
Branch 142 Newsletters
Pregnancy Discrimination Act
Safety & Health
Branch 142 Web Site Map
Branch 142 Stations Served
Branch 142 Stewards Corner
Branch 142 Stewards Listing
Contact Branch 142

e-Member Activist:


When we are elected we will create an e-Member Activist network that is based in part on NALC's e-Activist network.  Our e-Member Activist will be based in part on your non-scheduled day.  For example, if your non-scheduled day is Monday, you would join the Monday group.  You and other letter carriers who have Monday non-scheduled days would be known as Monday e-Member Activists if you elect to join.


When we need to have letter carriers make their voices heard, we will send you an e-mail and/or text alerting you that we need to have letter carriers march or demonstrate to support letter carrier issues such as saving 6-day delivery or health care reform.


So let's say you are in the Monday e-Member Activists group and there is a march or demonstration scheduled on a Monday.  We will send your group an e-mail and/or text alert with all of the information you need to participate in the demonstration or march.


There maybe occasions when we will have to alert all e-Member Activists.


We envision our e-Member Activist to evolve into a network of not just letter carriers, but also their families, friends, and neighbors to support letter carrier issues.